Education Membership

OMSSA is pleased to announce and launch its new annual Education Membership option for Non-Members.

OMSSA offers a diverse range of professional development opportunities for human services staff at all levels, providing skills and competencies designed to improve service quality, build organizational capacity, enhance service system management and further service integration.

If you find you have been registering for multiple professional development opportunities with OMSSA, the Education Membership is the most cost-effective option. With the Education Membership you will receive special pricing for OMSSA’s professional development opportunities (see pricing information and FAQ below).

OMSSA’s annual Education Membership is open to any Non-Member individual and/or organization with staff working in the human services sector, providing special pricing for all professional development courses, conferences, and forums.


The Education Membership is an annual fee for Non-Members in one of three tiers: 

  • Level 1 ($3,500): Special pricing for all OMSSA professional development courses, virtual and in-person conferences and forums. 
  • Level 2 ($2,500): Special pricing for all OMSSA professional development courses. 
  • Level 3 ($1,500): Special pricing for all OMSSA virtual and in-person conference and forums 

Complete our Registration Form


Q: I'm not sure if I work for an OMSSA Member organization, how can I find out?

A: Please visit OMSSA's website for a complete listing of Member Organizations. Exceptions include municipal housing corporations and other agencies managed by municipalities.

Q: As an OMSSA Member, can I register for the Education Membership?

A: OMSSA Members will always receive the best rate for all professional development workshops, conferences and forums. OMSSA's Education Membership is only available to Non-Members and provides a discount from regular Non-Member rates

Q: Is the Education Membership for an organization or an individual?

A: Education Membership is open to both individuals and organizations. Any employee of the registered organization will have access to discounted pricing for professionals development products.

Q: Does the membership auto-renew annually on the date of sign up?

A: Yes, Education Membership members will receive an invoice on the anniversary date of initial sign up for the coming year. Should you choose not to renew, simply email to advise of your option to not renew.

Q: If I cancel the Education Membership prior to the anniversary date will I receive a refund.

A: Education Membership is non-refundable. Members will have access to the products in the chosen package for one year upon date of sign up.

Q: As a non-Member, what is the benefit of an Education Membership?

A: If you find you have been registering for multiple professional development opportunities with OMSSA, the Education Membership is the most cost-effective option. With the Education Membership you will receive special pricing for OMSSA’s professional development opportunities. Membership is based on three tiers. Level 1 receives special pricing on all workshops, Conferences, and Forums. Level 2 receives special pricing on all workshops only. Level 3 receives special pricing on all Conferences and Forums only.