Job Board

About OMSSA's Job Board

OMSSA's Job Board is updated regularly with the latest career opportunities in human services across Ontario.

Looking to reach a wider network of job seekers with your next opening?

Consider advertising with OMSSA. In addition to being featured here on our job board, each posting is distributed directly to more than 4,800 human services professionals across Ontario in a weekly email flyer. 

How to Submit a Posting

Submit your posting as a Word document attachment (without tables or logos) by email to

Please include your organization name and indicate who the invoice should be addressed to, with contact information. 

Please note: Job postings received before Tuesdays at noon each week will be included in that week's email flyer. Job postings received after this deadline will be included in the following week's email flyer. 

Browse the latest career opportunities in human services

Chief Executive Officer (Ontario Association of Social Workers)

Reporting to the Board of Directors and overseeing a team of 20 staff, the CEO drives the organization’s mission and vision through dynamic and strategic leadership. They are responsible for the operational management of the overall organization, including personnel management, financial oversight, program development, and implementing OASW’s...

Senior Financial Coordinator (Parry Sound DSSAB)

Under the direction of the CFO, the Senior Financial Coordinator will oversee various critical corporate finance deliverables including the annual audit, annual insurance renewal, risk management, asset management and inventory management.

Program Manager, Employment & Social Services (Municipality of Chatham-Kent)

The Program Manager, Employment & Social Services is responsible for the oversight of Employment & Social Services program delivery in Chatham-Kent. This includes Ontario Works Assistance, Employment and Homelessness programming for Chatham-Kent residents in need.

Manager of Directly Operated Programmes (Wellington County)

The Manager of Directly Operated Programmes reports to the Director of Children’s Early Years and is responsible for overseeing all licensed child care programmes that are directly operated by the Corporation of the County of Wellington. Duties include but are not limited to administrative and financial duties, liaising with community agencies...

Housing Services Supervisor (County of Huron)

The Housing Services Supervisor will supervise, guide and direct staff in the daily operations and delivery of community, social and affordable housing programs in Huron County. The position will assist in identifying, developing, implementing and maintaining housing programs across a range of program types.

Child Care and Early Years Program Coordinator Full Time (Contract) (County of Bruce)

The Child Care and Early Years Program Coordinator, is responsible to ensure the effective and efficient planning, coordination and administration of the delivery of child care services and funding and contractual reporting through the Ministry of Education.

Senior Data Analyst/ Analyste principal des données (The College of Early Childhood Educators)

We are seeking an analytical, collaborative critical thinker who will be accountable for leading data management, analysis, and reporting activities at the College to support evidence-based decisions and the College’s strategic priorities. / Nous sommes à la recherche d’un collaborateur* à l’esprit critique et analytique...

Integrated System Navigators (District of Parry Sound)

We are seeking Integrated System Navigators to provide a holistic approach to integrated human services in the Income Support and Stability department. Reporting to the Supervisor of Income Support and Stability, the Integrated System Navigator supports individuals and families by creating a client-led service plan including the identification of specific...

Property Manager (Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation)

The Property Manager is responsible for providing effective property management and administration of a GNPHC portfolio of approximately 280 rental housing units. The Property Manager is responsible for maintaining a rent collection program and ensuring the effective administration of the lease renewal program.

Social Services Outreach Worker (City of Stratford)

The Social Services Outreach Worker provides or advocates for services and supports necessary to assists tenants to maintain housing and prevent eviction, and improve quality of life (medical, financial, legal, social).

Tenant Navigator (County of Simcoe)

The Tenant Navigator within Simcoe County Housing Corporation (SCHC) will provide support to the most vulnerable tenants in the portfolio, including those who encounter multiple challenges which can create obstacles to maintaining successful tenancies.

Manager of Childrens Services (City of Brantford)

The Manager of Childrens Services and Early Years Programs provides strategic leadership and administration to a multi-disciplinary team responsible for the co-ordination of a broad range of activities and services related to the planning, development, management, integration, and capacity building of the Licensed Child Care and Early Years System in...

Manager, Children's Services (City of Peterborough)

The Manager, Children’s Services manages the effective and efficient administration and delivery of the Children’s Services program within the City and County of Peterborough. Lead and oversee the planning, delivery, and evaluation of a wide range of programs and operational policies and procedures to support existing and new initiatives...

Job Board Pricing

Single Job Posting:

  • Member: $165+HST 

  • Non-Member: $220+HST

2-Job Bundle*:

  • Member: $297+HST

  • Non-Member: $396+HST

3-Job Bundle*:

  • Member: $420+HST

  • Non-Member: $560+HST

5-Job Bundle*:

  • Member: $660+HST

  • Non-Member: $880+HST

Please see more information below on Job Board add-ons.


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Job Board Add-Ons

Featured Job Add-On**: $100

Boost your job posting and place it at the top of OMSSA’s Job Board webpage and newsletter. This add-on cannot be bundled with a 2, 3, or 5-Job Bundle package.

Career Announcements**: $100

Share your organization’s most important announcements with OMSSA's Members across Ontario. Ad copy must be 30 words or less and must be accompanied by one (1) image and one (1) link. 

*All job postings for the 2-Job, 3-Job, and 5-Job Bundle packages must be submitted at the same time. 

**OMSSA reserves the right to limit the number of Featured Jobs/Career Announcements available per newsletter. This rate is per post.

Prices are subject to change without notice.