2024 Policy Conference

2024 Policy Conference - Call for Proposals 

Greetings OMSSA Members and partners! Planning for the 2024 Policy Conference is once again upon us! 

This year, we are adopting an approach we’ve used to successfully build our Exchange Conference program over the years. While we will continue to invite you to complete our pre-conference survey (closed now) as a way of understanding the topics and issues that you would like to have covered in this year’s conference, we are also asking interested parties to submit proposals for our conference breakout sessions.

Our Policy Conference is attended by senior leaders, managers and supervisors, and policy analysts from OMSSA member organizations. Additionally, every year our conference is attended policy-makers from partner organizations delivering or having an interest in human services.  

We welcome all those who are interested to submit a proposal for fully-fledged breakout session (90 minutes) or a partly conceived presentation that we can help you build.

These sessions can focus on policy issues in any of the following core areas: children’s services, housing and homelessness supports, employment and income assistance, emergency social services, and human services integration. Likewise, we welcome proposals connected to staff safety and well-being, equity, diversity, and community and partnership-building.  

The offer to submit proposals is open to both OMSSA Members and our partner organizations providing, researching, or otherwise connected to the human services. If you have any questions about your submission, please email education@omssa.com.

Due to our limited budget, we will not be accepting proposals from leadership or motivational speakers.  

We hope to notify all successful proposal candidates at the beginning of September.

Please click on the button below to complete the call for proposal submission:

Submit Your Proposal

Proposal Submission Deadline: Friday August 2, 2024

Conference Dates: December 4 - 5, 2024

Registration Opens Later in 2024

Registration for OMSSA's 2024 Policy Conference opens later this year. Stay tuned as OMSSA will share more information with Members. 

Hotel Accommodation

OMSSA's 2024 Exchange Conference is takes place at the Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites. OMSSA has negotiated a rate for a block of rooms for Members. Please visit our Accommodation webpage for more information. OMSSA's room block closes on November 12, 2024 (subject to availability).

Thank You to Our Conference Partners

OMSSA would like to thank our partners for supporting the 2024 Policy Conference. Please click on their logos below to visit their websites and learn more about these organizations.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship opportunities are available for the 2024 Policy Conference. Reach Members and build lasting relationships across Ontario by sponsoring our Conference. For more information, please email sponsorship@omssa.com

Land Acknowledgement

The land on which OMSSA operates is the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Ojibwe, the Haudenosaunee, the Wendat, and it is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. We also acknowledge that our members span an area known as the Province of Ontario which is covered by 46 treaties and agreements.