Thank you to the 200+ delegates from across Ontario who attended our first ever Mental Health Forum, a cross-sectoral event that highlighted best practices leading to positive outcomes, equipping managers and frontline staff with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to assist individuals living with mental illness and addiction to unlock their potential.
The forum featured powerful keynotes from the Brainstorm Revolution Troupe, Victoria Maxwell and Addie Greco-Sanchez, plus a variety of breakout sessions, including:
Working to Overcome Client Barriers
Trauma-Informed Practice
Supporting Children's Mental Health
The Opioid Crisis: Safety Protocols for Frontline Staff
Self-Care and Building Resilience
Supporting Clients During a Mental Health Crisis
Working with Tenants with Mental Illness
Psychologically Healthy Workplaces
Keynote: Addie Greco-Sanchez - Build Your Resilience, 5 Minutes at a Time
1.2 Approaches for Improving the Mental Health of Children (City of Hamilton)
1.2 Approaches for Improving the Mental Health of Children (McMaster University)
1.2 Approaches for Improving the Mental Health of Children (Triple P Parenting)
1.3 Trauma Informed Practice Organization (York Region Public Health)
1.4 Mobile Outreach and Support Team (MOST) (Windsor Ontario)
1.4 Mobile Street Outreach Models (City of Brantford)
2.1 Trauma-Informed Practice (Case Study: Jane)
2.3 Improving Access to Mental Health Services: An Integrated Service Model (Region of Durham)
3.1 Creating Psychologically Healthy Workplaces (City of Toronto Children's Services)
3.2 Strategies for Supporting Tenants with Mental Illness (Megan Phillips)
3.4 Information Exchange with the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
4.1 Strategies for Supporting Clients During a Mental Health Crisis (Megan Phillips)
Resource Guide: Creating Psychologically Healthy Workplaces (City of Toronto Children's Services)
Assessment Tool: Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, Burnout and PTSD (Melanie Willard)
OARS Framework: Addressing Mental Health in the Workplace (Victoria Maxwell)
Resource: Escaping Perfectionism, Anxiety and Depression (Victoria Maxwell)